Monday, 29 September 2014

Summer cover up part two

I was just going to add the pictures of my second cover-up at the end of the previous post but felt it deserved its own post...

 I bought this scarf new, it was in the same shop I buy my crochet cotton and I could choose the cotton with the scarf in hand, so win win really. The butterflies really were just too gorgeous to leave behind anyway!

I've gone with the mulitcolour cotton, 
which I love but does not
 always look great in stand alone crocheting. 
I am really happy with it here as it blended 
in with the pattern and gave a softer look.

I made a couple of crochet butterflies, which I had been meaning to do for Lexi so it was good practise.

 I've hand sewn it as the material is just a but 
too thin for my poor sewing skills.
The bottom picture in the montage on the right is the side seam, I've crocheted a row of questionable looking butterflies.
I did try to have Lexi take the photos but all the photos are of my legs or the roof, the camera 
was just a bit too heavy for her.

Well I was going to make a couple more but I'm thinking I've fixed my desire to make a cover up for the time being and I should really finish some of my other projects...

I want to share one of my inspirations for the cover-ups so if anyone wants to buy one for themselves they can buy one from Fairtale. This is my friend Fiona's shop and she also frequents to Bondi Markets if you want to try them on. 

What I'm Pinning

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Summer is coming!!

I've wanted to do a beach cover-up for a while, so here goes..!

I bought the scarf at an Op shop as I always see them and feel they need to be loved again and given a second lease on life! Next time I would find one that was a bit heavier, or courser, but it was very pretty and it did work, it was just a bit harder to work with then necessary. I would recommend spending a bit more on this important piece of your cover up whether it be some fair trade, eco friendly material or a quality vintage scarf, you will be glad you did.

I thought some crochet edging would go really well with it and so I made some... just between you and me, it might'v e been the main reason for this project.

Its a very basic shell pattern as I wanted to be able to whip it up without worrying about learning a new pattern and making mistakes.

It's also the thickest cotton you can buy as I've never used the super thin cotton.

Pretty happy with the result, I think it could've been lighter and more delicate to match the material but really it still worked. Don't stress the small stuff.

So the next day I went about putting it together, I cut a T in the centre of the scarf, and with the help of my 2 year old, hemmed the edges. I then sewed some edging around the shoulders and front with a chain tie on each side... um like this.. I used a small zigzag stitch. It seemed right.

It's pretty basic but that's what I was after.

I then put it on to measure the where the sides go where said 2 year announced "Mummy very Pretty!"

Sew then up and ta-da

And for my second attempt...
