I decided to make a beret for someone as a present - see ealier post "crochet-christmas-gifts-for-everyone" - and so to practise, I made my 2 year old one. It turned out so well I've made three of her cousins berets too!
Using 8ply yarn and a 4.5mm hook, I made on starting with a magic circle - do a Pinterest search on "Magic circle" if you have no idea what I'm talking about, this is how I figured it out and it is great for hats - I did 10 trebles (or double crochets if your are American) into the magic circle and then joined.
I then did a pattern of 1 treble, 1 chain, changing colours as desired.
Peak of hat
Row 1: 10 trebles, join with a slip stitchRow 2: 2 chains as first treble, 1 chain, 1 treble all into first stitch, 1 chain, 1 treble into 2nd stitch, (1 treble, 1 chain, 1 treble, 1 chain into next stitch, 1 treble, 1 chain into next stitch) repeat to end, join.
Row 3: 2 chains as first treble, 1 chain, 1 treble all into first gap, 1 chain, 1 treble into next 2 gaps, (1 treble, 1 gap, 1 treble, 1 chain into next gap, 1 treble, 1 chain into next 2 gaps) repeat to end, join.
- Continue to increase the circle until it is twice the size of the wearers hand (I traced my little ones hand so I could do this while she slept)
Depth of hat
Then do 1 treble, 1 chain into every gap until end, join.- continue until this section is the length of the wearers hand.
Band of hat
Row 1: Double crochet (single crochet) into every gap, join,- continue to double crochet into every stitch until you have the desired width band.
and ta-da! you are done!!
Then all you need to do is accessories and go show it off!
All the above are made with acrylic for the kids, it washes so well and doesn't itch them.
For instructions on how to make the dress (kind of) go to knitcrochet47.blogspot.com.au
The below is made from pure wool, it's a bit stiffer and will take a lot more care when washing. I much prefer single colours for adults too.
I'm taking orders for berets, please contact me if you would like one!