Although perhaps slightly less successful, we did do well today. The washing up went ok with the main difference being that Lexi seemed only interested in washing the outside of things... In the end I had my own sink with soapy water and I washed and Lexi rinced. She really didn't seem to mind this.
Morning tea was a cupcake, of course!
The rain, once again, didn't eventuate, so we watered the garden instead. Well, Lexi watered the garden and I tried to stay out if firing range!
Next I pulled out some Thomas flannel and did some sewing. I wasn't really sure where we were going with this, but after some Pinterest browsing we decided on pajama pants, of which we are in short supply. Lexi got the hang of sewing quite quickly.
The afternoon found us taking a quick walk up to the shops to buy elastic. We took the trike and Lexi had her first successful attempt at peddling and steering herself.
She was pretty pleased with herself.
Another successful day!