Monday, 27 January 2014

Tilt Photography

My brother in law recently bought a "tilt lens" for his camera.

I had no idea what it was but here is what I've learnt and the end result.

Tilt photography can mean "miniature faking" 

Basically, it’s taking a photograph of a real-world scene and making it look like a miniature scene, such as you’d find in a model railroader’s setup.
You can either apply the effect after the photo is taken in photoshop or use a special lens.
Tilt Shift Example.jpeg

You don’t even need to have Photoshop to make a tilt-shift photo; has a free service for you, using your own photo. And of course, there’s a couple of iPhone apps as well.
The below image explains tilt photography really well I think.
Architectural photographers benefit the most from tilt-shift photography. It comes in handy whenever they’re trying to take a picture of a building from ground level. If you don’t angle the camera upwards from this perspective, you won’t get the entire building in the frame. However, if you do tilt the entire camera upwards, the top of the building bends backwards and its straight lines no longer appear straight.
To remedy this problem, architectural photographers use a tilt-shift lens. By controlling the angle of the lens, they can fit the entire building into the scene while keeping the building’s straight lines straight. - See more at: 

Below are a couple of pics by Ewan, my brother in law

Sites researched:

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

My Amazing Friend - Penny and the MS Colour Dash

Today I am writing about my amazing friend 

Penny who was a bit over a year ago was 

diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Penny supported me when life threw me challenges and now I would like to give her my support with this new challenge.

Penny's life has changed forever, she will have headaches, aches,  pains and fatigue for the rest of her life. There will be other symptoms as well but lets not get into that here.

MS has not stopped my fun and playful friend from loving life or being happy.

For the second year Penny will be doing the MS Colour Dash in Sydney on Australia Day 2014 to help raise funds for MS suffers al lover Australia.

Lets show a fraction of the Penny's strength, let go without one bottle of wine or bring our own lunch for a week, or maybe not buy that dress/handbag/shoes we don't really need... 

Lets all donate one weeks luxury to 
help Penny and those with MS who's lives 
have changed forever to buy those things 
they really need like support, 
home modifications and research!

Please sponsor my friend who was 
diagnosed with MS 
and hasn't let that slow her down! 


Good Luck Penny

Sunday, 12 January 2014

My Gorgeous Quilt Made by my Clever Mum!

My Gorgeous Quilt Made by my Clever Mum!

I absolutely Love it! 

This quilt had more planning than any quilt so far I think! There was Pinterest, online fabric stores, real live fabric stores and even a quilting show!! Many Pins were sent flying through the good ol internet and we even had a plan to have my hubby "draw" up a pattern using CAD software.

I had an idea of what I wanted and Mum had to keep bringing me back to reality by asking for patterns etc. 

In the end the result was very much like one of my first "Pins". 

Teal and brown, off centre squares.

My Mum has made quite a few quilts now including many for my daughter and her other children. It can be an expensive hobby but she really enjoys it and is quite good at it as well.

 Some browns I bought and posted last minute when we realised there just wasn't enough brown, or material for that matter.

The pile of material, where to start!!

The off centre squares

This was one of the last pics Mum sent me. It was such a surprise when she turned up with the quilt as I hadn't heard anything about it since she had nearly finished the squares and I was amazed at how quick she finished!!

The layout, so many combinations!!

The quilt was quilted by a professional with a quilting machine, something that has always interested me as a side line income, I would've loved to have seen it.

Handmade Rag Quilt

My First Quilt in a Long Time!!

So I finally succumbed to the call of all the lovely quilting fabric to make a Dr Seuss flannel rag quilt for my nephew.

Photograph by Cool Uncle Ewan

It was a lot harder than I thought, I went through 3 pairs of scissors and a lot of toddler nap times to finish on time.

I have the material for my next quilting project, now to find the time!!

Friday, 10 January 2014

Vicki, Alastair and Alexis Saunders

My name will be changing...

I have decided to change my surname to that of Alastair and Alexis - Saunders. Soon you will see facebook etc change to Saunders and then I will do the whole work and other official stuff like my drivers licence and bank account.

There are two reasons for this if you are interested...

1. To have the same name as my daughter and simplify her life

2. To never have to spell my name to English speaking people again!

And no, still not getting married, thanks for not asking.

That is all

Vicki Saunders

Photograph by Cool Uncle Ewan